
The truth about Babies...and Marriage/Relationships

Remember hearing things about being pregnant or once you have a baby and thinking, "No one tells you that!" Well, we've all had those moments.  One thing people fail to mention is how much having a new baby in the house can affect the relationship that existed in that house before the baby got there.  

Magazine pictures and images of handsome dads and beautiful moms holding their cuddly baby as they sit sipping cool drinks in the sun make us think that its always going to be a blissful and sweet. 

 But what about those moments when you are tired, sleep-deprived, haven't showered and he's looking for affection? Or what about the times when you're in need of some TLC and he's tired cause he worked all day and did diaper duty all night so you could get some rest and he (albeit surprising to you) is not "in the mood"?  Can those moments trigger more moments? 

Can the things we think are "no big deal" at one point, turn into a "huge" deal later?

We want to hear from you!  What things surprised you about having a baby and how it affected your relationship?  What advice would you give to new moms?  

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